PBAT is classified as a random copolymer due to its random structure. A polymer is a chemical compound with molecules bonded together in long, repeating chains. Because of their structure, polymers have unique properties that can be tailored for different uses. Polymers are both man-made and naturally occurring.

PBAT is incredibly biodegradable and will decompose in home compost leaving no toxic residues, it is currently partly derived from petrochemicals (oil). This means it’s not renewable (because the earth’s oil stocks are finite and becoming depleted) and this is why companies are working super-hard to research and test some of the emerging resins which have a higher bio-base (ie. are more made from plants).


  • Home compostable
  • Can be composted under soil conditions
  • Fully biodegrades in less than 90 days in the right environment conditions i.e. heat, oxygen
  • Produces 68% fewer greenhouse gases than normal plastics
  • Uses less energy to manufacture than normal plastics
  • Is suitable for cold storage
  • Is a Bioplastic and has a recycling symbol 7


  • Not made from a renewable resource
  • Manufactured from oil to assist in the biodegradibility and compostability
  • Biodegration slows down when not in the right enviroment i.e heat and oxygen